Saturday, January 5, 2019

Ya'll this is the first half of my book that I am working on getting published on Amazon.  It is called 'The Book of the Mystery of the Light: Part One   To Kill a God'  I have done so many hours of research on mythology.  mythology is all stories about origins that people once believed were true.  I try to take a 'Could this be true lined up with the absolute truth of the Bible' approach.  What if Zeus was real?  When you take out all the lies of self glorification and seeking to make God out to be the bad guy...when you reverse things like that you get a story that looks something like this...

I do not proclaim that all - or any of this is true,
But I do proclaim that the half has not even begun to be told.

An excerpt from part four…
The fire in his eyes flickered then flared as the placid blue was replaced by burning judgmental wrath.  The master of the universe rose slowly and with calculated control least all around him fall and be unable to rise again.
“Tell them…”   He closed his eyes for a moment seeking perfect balance.  “Tell them, ‘You ought to have been interceding for man and not a man for you.  You who have left the high heaven and lain with women!  You to whom was entrusted the MYSTERY of the Kingdom!  Yet you who have learned only the worthless mysteries and THESE are what you have taught your wives!  And now the whole earth has grown corrupt because of YOU!  YOU SHALL HAVE NO REST!!!  I will not grant you a judgment day for there can be no pardon for this treason.  You will watch your children – those you thought to have made immortal by your craft – you will watch them slay one another before your eyes.  The death of the last child will be your final memory before you are chained and buried in ice until the passing of the seventieth generation.  Then you will be free to torment the world once more before its total destruction come Ragnarok!  …For you are no longer worthy to be called my sons!”
The Almighty raised his hands above the heavens.  “Purge the earth of all wickedness!  Let all that is exalted be shaken and crumble.  Let the remembrance of them perish with them for it repents me that I ever made even man on the earth.”

A couple loose papers:
How to Kill a God
Steal all they have
-          Any ability you gain victory over you can now claim as your own
-          Deceive them with cunning so they let their guard down
-          Use what they hold dear against them
Kill Body (mutilate as much as possible)
-          A god’s body cannot be completely destroyed unless their spirit dies
-          Dismember in a way where they cannot piece themselves back together
-          The point of killing the body is to humble and scatter the spirit as much as possible where they will not want to fight to come back
Destroy their remaining spirit (including all memory of them and belief in them)
-          So long as someone believes in them their spirit can live on
-          The one who is the true god is the one every knee bows to
-          Otherwise just keep tormenting their spirit wearing it down with negativity and such insults and blaspheme making them appear weak to their believers 
And if that doesn’t work…try the following…

The Void Overtakes us All

You think you have control
But that which cannot be perceived by the senses
Holds us as their pawns
Pulling our puppet strings
What you see
Is the façade you have been given you over to believe

The void:
It is the hunger that can never be satisfied
Craving praise and attention
Always wanting to be in the middle
Where it can suck the life out of all
Unable to survive without life
It feeds stripping you bare
Taking all you hold dear
If flatters fattening you empowering you
For it to feast on
For the kill
And when your spirit lives on
It destroys that too
Until you have no spirit left to outlive you

The whole time
You think it is you that is doing all this.
You hate yourself and beat yourself up
But it is not you;
It is the void.

Don’t believe it –
What it tells you –
What you start telling yourself.
Enjoy who you are and who you have
For all will soon be consumed

The MYSTERY kept secret since the beginning-
This the ONLY hope you have
Of not being completely destroyed in the coming flame
Of Ragnarok

Chapter 1
Introduction: How the beginning began

When all that was, was not yet… the great and terrible one lay dormant and at perfect rest, stretched out across the vast and endless universe.  His foe, equally great and terrible was he, refused to be still however.   Everywhere he insisted on searching all that yet perceivable was not.  Vigorously he searched all ways and always saw… HIM.  With no chains of time to bind him HE always exists.  With no objects to restrain him every space by HIM was filled.  With nothing that could oppose him HIS power became infinite.  With no words to distain him he ever only grew until his understanding created the great tree that connected all – even to the smallest fragment of nothingness.  At the heart of the tree he pondered there until THE GREAT MYSTERY fully conceived by him was. 
This the history of GREAT MYSTERY, the one who called himself a brother, and the many more that sought to usurp MYSTERY ONE.  Yet before any of them could even be: MYSTERY in the loins of FATHER came to be for nothing can exist without MYSTERY and when MYSTERY completed be, then also all else will end for beginning and end MYSTERY HE.
And that is how the beginning began.
At that instant and at every nowhere the Tree of Understanding ripped apart from the dark void it had so placidly lain and contentedly intertwined with leaving shadowy tendrils grasping in its place for their entire empty meaningless.  At the heart of the tree the seed of Life grew creating an embryo sac around it.  The shell of Death discarded and fell to the darkness beyond.  The void convulsed greatly awakening all the more only to find itself ripped apart in every way imaginable: without a hope, unbearable hunger, an empty abandoned discarded waste, in a perpetual nightmare with no eyes to even open.  Drawn to the shell of Death for succor it found the rest it sought only fleeing from it in every direction as with each fragment of void sucked into Deaths emptiness only made it emptier still.  Its form grew to an endless demise – in total agony and writhing and torments.  And it could not, for the lack of life in it, understand what had happened.  The embryo sack lay a nigh unperceivable particle – though the distance of an entire solar system across.  The hungering storm churned and swirled sucking all to its center where the eye with hungering finally gaped open.   And he burned to swallow up the Life that had awakened him… to return to his eternal slumber.
At the base of the embryo sack the tree of life peacefully, harmoniously and invisibly grew until the entire sack was filled with its life giving mist and casting off an unperceivable rainbow imprint in the process.  Inside the sac was a comfy absolute zero.  Outside the great convulsions and writhing and chaos formed a raging inferno around that equaled the cold in perfect contrast - neither cold nor heat was able to pass to the other through the thin lining for they were each exact counterparts of the other.   Inside was the clean air of life and outside all the poisonous gasses - and until these two opposites could find a way to harmoniously intertwine - no matter could solidify: nothing perceivable by the senses could ever be.  
First Wisdom and Understanding both made exact clones of themselves.  You will come to know this couple as Jupiter and Saturn.  Then each of these also split apart again within their lower and upper cells within the sac creating two more couples.  This time though the two couples - before finding its true mate - intertwined sharing identity with another.  For example, Saturn intertwined with Neptune giving him some of her abilities and he also her.  This made the outer two couples similar to each other and same with the inner.  We see this process called Mitosis and Meiosis often in nature and every time only one may the chosen couple be– for the destiny of the other three but Death ever is.
So at night time when you see the planets sparkling back at you remember how they once lived as the Pleiades – the seven heavens and the earth.  Here is the story of their death.

Chapter 2
The Ragnarok and his Lord

Uranus glided curiously toward the edge of their enclosure – long elegant plumes flowing weightlessly behind her.  Placing her four talon hand up against the clear lining and pressing her beak-like nose longingly, “Do you think he likes petting?  Just under his chin…just there.”  She didn’t even stop to look behind her at her spouse, her cold breath fogging the thin lining against the raging inferno on the other side.  “Tunes, do you think he likes his belly rubbed?”  She made kissing sounds with her pliable beak and the void creature balled up energetically to propel itself forward.  Mimicking her perfectly rags of torn Darkness emanated from it then formed into a type of shadowy talon that he pressed up against her hand.  His huge gaping mouth panted thirstily and eagerly in its apparent desire to please. 
Neptune flowed up beside her warily: silently eying the panting bottomless belly and how, though parts of it could vanish as it moved quickly, it would always re-connect and appeared endless.  
“I should so much love to mother him!”  She smiled piteously and encouragingly toward the behemoth on the other side.  Recognizing her care and attention it came clambering eagerly attempting to leap on her as he pressed against his side.  
Neptune rubbed his belly not feeling it beneficial to point out that she had eight adoring children in his pouch that would very much love for her to mother them - she seemed to set on greatness.
She spread her vast wings softly petting the enclosure.  Happily the Voidling bounced his nose against the lining and then sprouted wings in mimicry softly petting hers in response.  His eyes were so sad and mournful Uranus’ face elongated in response.  “Ooooooo, sweet baby...”  She pointed a single talon over his mouth and down.  “If I could mother you I could make you good …Rags? …Ragnarok!  You like that?  The nearly faceless creature perked up attentive.  The rags of his painful ripped tears flowing from all over him perked up in eager anticipation.  Even his panting empty gut froze waiting.  “Come on, come on to Mama…”
Here is where I will need to catch you up on the events immediately preceding this.  Neptune and Uranus were the furthermost race of the Praisers.  I’m not sure if you have ever noticed, but the heavens are divided into barriers divided by color.  First there is the red Venus and Mars, then orange and yellow Jupiter and Saturn and green and blue Neptune and Uranus.  Uranus however had left her designated green and moved onto the forbidden purple domain leaving Neptune to patrol both green and blue.  Keep in mind however that none of these colors or anything else could yet be perceived by senses but they perceived it spiritually only.  Now they both knew perfectly well that the seventh color was reserved for the seventh heaven: the destined king as soon as he was announced.  But the word forbidden was more like an open invitation to Uranus – she wanted to be The Chosen One: the seventh heaven!  To be the seventh would also unite you with the eighth - the head over all. 
This fourth race, the race of the Praisers, was destined to go ahead and resolve problems without conflict.  With the power of voice and song they could break down defenses and change perceptions.  With their song they could inspire nearly any entity to do their bidding – even just looking at them inspired awe of splendor.  With the power to bewitch any foe with the tune that she played them with – and see them coming - it is no wonder Uranus felt she ruled the Universe.  It took them awhile to decide amongst the two of them which one would be the female, but finally Uranus decided to produce the eggs so long as Neptune would carry them in his pouch.  Uranus seemed to always be above - asserting herself – though she did switch back to mostly male after laying the eggs.  Neptune was more the watery sea-horse with long sea-weed-like tendrils to discern the darkness with type.  His head – to contain his massive brain – was octopus like with a slit upward in the forehead to allow for his third eye.   His Jaw protruded downward with bendability with which he produced incompressible melody and song.  Her body was pure white but her wings had different shades of blues and purple.  If I say she was horse-like you do have to keep in mind that all animals moved on two limbs originally so the arms and legs were shaped much more human-like at the top just appropriately apportioned to their body type…and her hands were talon-like…  They are where we get things like horses and chickens, dolphins, fish and peacocks…basically the things you would consider more praisers and not fierce protectors or sacrificial kind.  (The chicken bit was a bit of a joke of FATHER’S part I think because they really are not that bright at all and filthy beings at that.) 
“Nooooooo Ragnarok!!!”  Neptune spoke holding up his hand and calming the Rags back down.  A single talon had entered and hardened upon entry into a solid mass.  Rags pulled his talon back curiously tilting his head and watching the talon turn back to darkness. 
Neptune looked over at his spouse.  “You know this is treacherous.  This whole way is treacherous.  Already we have wandered far beyond our given domain.  We are not ourselves.  We are not what we once were.  I mean look at you.”  He moved his hands in circles outwards.  As soon as she had crossed to purple she had taken on a sort of Aurora Borealis of purple and blue hues extending in all directions.  And she had become completely obsessed with what lay beyond.  He was complexly afraid that it was not the outer Void that could be controlled or not but that it already was controlling them to its bidding.  “Use your powers.  You know see what will happen…if…we do this.”
Uranus glanced over at her void creature then also tilted her head her eagle eye searching as far into the future as she could.  “I see…MOTHER…she is not happy.  Oh! she seems quite upset.  Distraught…I see…a baby!  A baby glowing with the destiny of kings upon it!!!  This one will rule over all!!!  I see…Oh no!  We are perished!  We are all perished!  Corroding in a sea of acid!  No! There is nothing left of what we once were!  There is only the consumption of Death and the rule of terrible monsters over all!!!”  She broke free gazing at Neptune and shaking him, “We have to do something!”  She placed her hand on the enclosure, “We can’t let this happen!”  Her usually keen eyes darted frantically until she smiled again and went back to…peering.
She petted the side.  “Rags…We must not let MOTHER do this thing!  MOTHER!! She coughed.  MOTHER has done this to us!!!”  She looked piteously at her Rags.  “Rags…its ok…the King…just…he just can’t live! ...But how?”  She started panting wildly.  “I don’t want to die.  I don’t want to die!”
Neptune placed a webbed hand on her shoulder.  “Breathe.”  And he showed her how.  “You know your oracle-ing is not always…definite.  You see…fragments…in the near future.”
“The near future!!!”  Uranus exclaimed.  “We have to act now!...I don’t want to die!  I don’t want to die.”  She wrapped her flanking sides in feathered wings.  Then she smiled rubbing her long mane up against the enclosure.  The sparkle in her eyes and tilt of her head was a question.
Neptune sighed.  “How do you know this…it…this thing is not what causes our deaths?” 
She turned fully to Rags.  “I can feel the power.  With this kind of power nothing will be able to stop us.  We will rule the cosmos!...I will be…THE CHOSEN ONE!!!  Besides” - Her contended smile she flashed was comically attempted at bring reproduced by the endless Rags - “I’m not afraid of him.  Him I can control.”
“But what effect this drives you to is what worries me…Overthrowing our parents?  We used to trust them!”
Uranus lifted Neptune’s chin looking deep into his eyes.  “You’re a coward!”  She sneered releasing his scaly chin.  “And you will do exactly as I say!”
Neptune shifted his gaze.  He was as clever as there ever was but he never wanted to stand up to her…he would rather battle an endless expanse when she got like this.  Honestly her mood swings terrified him and he didn’t know how to comprehend to even begin to respond to them.  He also tried to cave in before the effect of the whole aurora borealis thing around her completely hypnotized him.  Still he had to have the last word mumbling…”Fine, come Ragnarok…come the end of all things…and here I will be…at your side… supporting you…”
“Ragnarok!”  The two joined hands speaking in unison.  He bolted over eager for the next morsel of attention they may toss his way.  “You may enter our domain!” 
He bolted in with such force that Neptune quickly released his wife’s hand to drop avoiding the gaping mouth just in time.  His wife was giggling hysterically poking her finger at the solidifying thin belly that blocked her from him – a belly whose lining was ever so quickly hardening.  She got a perplexed look then laughed flying forward to go out his gaping mouth, but instead waves of flames began to engulf her.  She screamed for Neptune but he could not hear her over the roar of oxygen meeting hydrogen and the ensuing waves that now engulfed the Ragnarok.  As soon as oxygen met the searing heat it burst into flame amid the poisons gasses.  “Neptune!!!”  She shrieked louder, panting trying to find the mouth.  But the Ragnarok was entering at a greater pace than she could keep up with. 
Neptune had been staring as the monster solidified before him and taking on the characteristics of his wife – only much scarier!  Hair was now one eyed serpents with arms and the whole form was so elongated…endless.  The place where Rags continued to enter there was much wheezing and clapping back and forth from the tear in the embryo sac.   The eight babies in his pouch were leaping about as water engulfed them. 
He couldn’t hear her but he suddenly felt her panic.  Resisting a petrifying sensation of fear that the water was electric with - he began to sound his melody. 
He played the lullaby.
Uranus sensed a calming and stopped struggling.  She too began to sing, her pliable bill moving to sound otherwise unattainable notes.  The behemoth began having the sensation that he had just received an amazing pressure-point massage and was now feeling quite drugged and sluggish.  Uranus raised herself up between rings of flame.  “Ragnarok!  I offer you my services as your mother!   Because of me you will grow powerful.  My MOTHER however has not been quite so nurturing.  I am afraid…she means to replace us with a new-born king!  She is very evil for this and cunning to think to do so.  But as we join forces against her she will be overthrown and we will rule in her stead!!!”
“I want to rule!!!!!”  The Dragon echoed back. 
“Yes, baby, you will be my prince and I your Queen.”
“I want king.”  The Ragnarok bellowed.  “Make me king and I promise.  I will kill MOTHER.”  Uranus smiled blankly – that kind of smile a mother gives when she realizes her children are growing up faster than either of them are ready for.  “Sweetieee,” she began slowly.  “I am your universe.  And you have ruled in my heart from the very moment I first saw you.  I do not question your power at all…Neptune on the other hand…”
The behemoth looked around and seeing Neptune:  “I want him service.  What give your King puny thing?”
Neptune looked up in hysteria the eyes of Ragnarok looking just like the eyes of his wife except with an extra aura of feathers around them and the voice of masculinity ever so deep. 
“Go easy on him…”  A voice he recognized hollered out, “He is just a puppy!”
Neptune shook his head incredulously.  Did anything even matter anymore?  Four of his youngsters had swum curiously up toward the Rag.  “Take my children…My Lord I offer you my children.”  And the lizard-ly horse bowed nobly. 
“Fine.”  The monster swooped the children into his gaping mouth.  “Next.  Promise your soul.  Promise your very eternal soul and I will do your killing spree.”
Neptune was pretty sure he had already surrendered his soul by now anyway for he had no fight left in him.  He held his arms open wide.  “Take my soul.  For as long as that heart within you beats…Take my very soul and…”
But the monster was lifting the essence of Neptune, streams of green misting through the air into his mouth.  Finding his wife there was not much left of her only her original spirit that he was used to; their physical essence was being sucked out to form the Ragnarok.  He reached out hands toward her who had hers outstretched enraptured with power– “To the very end…to the very worlds end…” he managed to say before they were released to become one with the Dragon.  The Dragon stood eying his new green scaly hands.  He stood reaching ever upward, then he bounded round and round almost tying himself in a knot before untangling in time.  The third eye of Neptune could now be seen within the green Iris of the Dragon as the widening vertical slit of the pupil: blood-shot red with flame.  This union with dragon-kind in later years is how we have the animals listed as unclean that all have slits in their eyes or some other snake-like characteristic such as a swans’ neck.  With the combined brainpower of each of them the now formed tri-union certainly could not be out-witted.  But what were wits against raw brute strength?

Saturn and Jupiter were at least ten times the size of the Praisers.  They were the race of the royal Protectors.  Uranus and Neptune were too far away for them to have been able to see what was going on – in the total darkness besides mind you – but all of them could not deny the sound of the loud explosions as the clean air collided and formed water and flame and other substance against that of the poisonous heat of the eternal flame.  Knowing right away that the breach had been made Jupiter declared they should both seek FATHER and MOTHER as they must certainly already know as well of this and must already have a plan of what to do and went off with his flying lion self. 
Saturn sat eying for the first glimpse of the invader’s approach.  When they had been doing their intertwining she had shared identity with Neptune.  While she did not have scales nor green anywhere – looking much like a flying Puma – some of her children had wolf-like heads with some long strands hanging down and lizard-like lower halves.  The Protectors had the largest litters of children and she was considered the fertility goddess able to feed them all at once.   As the Dragon drew closer she was taken with how it resembled her brother and sister – who were nowhere to be seen.  She strummed her tail impatiently waiting for Jupiter to give his cue to begin or not.
Jupiter, however, had found a strong branch of the invisible Tree of Understanding to tie himself to.  He was the clone of FATHER and had the face resembling a man’s amid his mighty mane.  Having also intertwined with Uranus many of his children were griffons with eagle faces on their lion’s bodies.  (Uranus had a horse-shaped face but with a pliable beak for a nose and eagle eyes.)  Now Jupiter stood at the crossroads with Truth on one side tugging and Deception on the other being the middle combination of the two who oppose.  The others most likely would have been unable to even find the Tree of Understanding, but he could often hear FATHER’S voice speaking to him when he crossed thicker areas in his patrols.  Thus he had wedged himself at the crossroads waiting the response.
“FATHER, I sense a great consuming evil upon us and I fear if I were but to gaze on it the sight alone would be enough to consume me.  And what can be done for these my children and my wife when my perception of the future is but agony and Death?  What, FATHER, can be done against such an evil?”
“I too have been in great agony of spirit.”  FATHER responded through the connecting tree’s current.  “Great gallstones of bitterness have welled up within me and I feel now their purpose will serve you better than I.  Let go this bitterness and let it return to the void from which it comes.  Let it be consumed by this evil instead of us.  This will gift you valuable time deceiving the void thinking to have consumed you instead.  Death will not this day be defeated by us.  Yet the more it abounds the more we will grow in strength and number against it for Life abounds in Death.”
Jupiter felt when the gallstones entered him.  In agony he hung feeling the veins of the tree running through him.  He could sense every rune and soon realized they were the imprints of every single life yet to be lived.  He saw runes of children yet unborn and felt strength to pass his bitterness of Death as he saw their every detail.   Terrors too wrapped around him as he saw the sight of things unseen.  But then he could see his wife swinging madly blood flying and he realized he was too late to aid his wife.  Before releasing he prayed that aid would be sent to her as well.
This time MOTHER responded.  “I am gifting to her a great weapon made with crystalized strands of my tears.”  The pups received the scythe that appeared before them and lifted it to their mother.  Already Saturn had gone into a berserk-ing rage swinging wildly and nearly blindly at her foe.  She had doubled in size and looked much more like a bear than a puma.  Chunks of flesh and streams of red blood were falling toward MOTHER.  (Outside the breach the Voidling had been all but blackness of night but upon entering the oxygen entered his blood stream causing it to become red.  You will see, however, that the water people that descend from Neptune actually have blue blood as that area will be much more devoid of oxygen.) (Ever since the breach had been made the void was pressing at the hole at it was deflating, ever so slowly, the embryo sac becoming more and more elongated at its middle.  The breach had been made at the North end and MOTHER was at the bottom Sothern end.  This caused just enough gravity to cause things to fall slowly filling the bottom of the sac.)  Now with the crystal scythe Saturn was able to slice through even bones with ease.  She madly cut even greater chunks than before- the hairs on them all reached out to her hissing and spitting venom.  But the more she swung, the more vengeful Serpentines (with arms) took the place of the fallen ones and the Dragon was only being fed -empowered with her rage.
Just then a great roar split through the heavens.  Jupiter had passed his gallstones.   Saturn felt dazed but coming back to her senses she realized she had been fighting and her children were injured around her.  Not knowing if it was herself or the Dragon that had done this she gave herself - just for a movement - up to being consumed.  She struggled inside the Ragnarok formeing an oppositional head with a totally different mode of thought – her brown fur became speckled with black spots of soot and ash as she fought once more from within the cage of horrid flame.
Heading in the direction of the roaring the dragon consumed the bitterness wrapped in ichor buying that it was Jupiter – who had actually flown far above the dragon and was silently waiting for it to pass.  The Dragon was filled with a sense of something ominously not right.  He was crossing to the lower half and could this time pass through the thin lining of this inner cell with great ease.  The difficulty came just in moving forward as if a magnet were getting too close to its wrong side or perhaps it was the great length of his tail that was dragging him down or the weight of the stones that he now bore.

Mars and Venus were ordained to be the race of the Priests.  Though much smaller than Saturn and Jupiter they could fight just as fiercely, and not just with horns and agile speed.  They were masters of the matter around them and were able to form it to their will.  Even the elements of the middle classes are able to change from one element to the other in the right substance, but the Priests can change even the main elements.  They are nature lovers though and so this is most often to reverse the mechanisms of man and harmful result of disease and not to create it.  Completely selfless their primary goal is to protect the Pure Ones at all cost to themselves.  
Venus, who actually helped tend to MOTHER at times, happened to be nearby to her and saw her making the Scythe for Saturn.  MOTHER thanked her for all she had done for her and that if they hurried her two children could meet Jupiter far to the Northwest.  She sadly said that for the process to be complete six of the great original ones must die, paying the price for the lives they had created.  Venus’ two children were Satyrs (well a sheep and a goat mostly) and extremely deft on their hooves.  She hurried them along while she went to meet Mars.  Mars was a bulwark of a Ram with great horns that shot directly up before him.  Venus was more like a Gazelle with long horns that curved apart then back then up. 
Mars pondered.  “If this is our fate then we must ride out to meet it.  However,” He ripped out his heart creating beautiful sparkling strands of a necklace and placing one strand over Venus’ elegant antlers.  (Two more strands he made for the two daughters with him.)  “This will protect you all from all Darkness.  I do not know how far gone I will become, but I believe you will be able to bring me back.  May the light always be in you, my loved ones: my does.”
Mars turned and charged at the incoming Dragon.  The very air shook beneath him.  The Dragon froze for a moment as Mars planted his two horns between the eyes of the main dragon head – not so much in pain but at the audacity being stunned.  It took him some time before he could catch the quick ram but then he shook him like a German Shepherd fights a toy Chihuahua.   Venus fingered the necklace with her two short fingers waiting to join him.  She closed her eyes as the acid breath shot back the longer fur around her face and with the gust of wind she  along with her two daughters were gone.  From the top of the Dragon two more heads joined the battle.  From the main head of the Dragon, however, grew two great horns with tufts on its head and other markings also turning to red for part of Mars had succumbed becoming one with the Dragon. 

When Ragnarok reached the Pure Ones FATHER was nowhere around.  That terrible feeling in the pit of his stomach was only growing worse.  MOTHER was beautiful and surrounded by her twelve young children.  Around the glory clouds were masses of water and globs of blood and fallen ones rising in the living streams.  She stood waist deep in the liquids and murky clays her feet planted at the bottom of the embryo sac.  The Dragon bowed before her asking her to become his bride.  Naturally she refused.
Hesitant and suspecting foul play Ragnarok ordered the worst of his four side-kicks to hurl itself into MOTHER.  (Each of Neptune’s children had originally been anemone.  Adept and as shifty as the sea itself they were masters at shape shifting.  To shape shift you need to either believe yourself to be that shape requiring multiple personalities or the ability to empty your mind of what once was or have an object to become one with or personify.  But not having much form to start with, the anemones were cunning actors and amazing at mimicry - their tentacles their puppets and the whole Dragon their stage.)   
Euros the east wind pummeled himself downward quickly gaining speed.  MOTHER faced upward her eyes closed and her children huddled around her.  She took the wind in her mouth seeking to tame it but the once soft anemone became like blades against her cheeks and tongue.  Her jawbone split apart and Euros used it as a weapon cutting down to expose her heart.  Emboldened Ragnarok sliced her heart in two.  Then pawing and dashing he began counting:
“One…two…three…four…five…six…seven…eight…nine…ten…eleven…”  He knew through Uranus there were twelve sons and one of them was the destined king.  “Where is the twelfth child?  Show yourself!”
One that was larger than all the rest rose with illumination.  Each of the precious young cherubs looked to be about ten years old.  “I have the destiny of kings upon me!”  The young one was surrounded by glory clouds and light shot from her eyes.  This was the first light the Dragon had ever seen.  He wanted to stare in awe holding it as Dragon does a mesmerizing gem but he quickly came to his senses and instead ripped her to shreds.  Feeling sick to his stomach he began to push his head out of the bottom corner to turn to go.
FATHER and MOTHER had placed all their Understanding and Wisdom – everything - in one of their sons passing down all they had to him.  The Spirit of MOTHER hovered anxiously over the bloody watery mess searching and praying.  The waters began to part and her twelfth son emerged from the depths.  (For the past illumination had not been a son but the thirteenth and a daughter.)  In that moment FATHER closed the breech above shattering the dragon’s tail throughout the purple realm into a myriad of pieces and sending waves and shocks of pain through the dragon.   Then leaving his body behind in the purple he was able to light travel for the very first time in the first rays of dawn.  (The gods can leave their bodies at will.)
Joined with the spirits of FATHER and MOTHER as one, Light rose.  He continued to rise far above the murky depths.  “Let…there…be…Light!”  Light shot out from all around him exploding to the vast reaches of the universe.  Lights of the stars sang out from every void and bottomless chasm.  Everywhere everything lay exposed to its very core.  All that yet had light un-manifested then manifested and rose from the chains that bound them once in Darkness.  From wounds of those that had light came children of light and they shouted as one deafening shout of triumphal praise.  Though the Pleiades remained for now within the Dragon, it could not contain the sprites and nymphs who rose as the beams of light.  The Origin of all held up a great shield of lighting that kept him from gazing directly at the Dragon - for the Pure Ones cannot gaze on what foul is.  (If anyone were alive at that moment they would have been turned to stone, but none other outside was.)  In the other hand he held up a double-edged weapon of light as he commanded the Dragon to return to the Void from whence he came. 
And ever since this time Jews retain the tradition that when the Light of dawn first shines, a new day has begun - for so it had!   By today’s estimation of time it would take the Dragon thousands of years to cross our Solar System.  Yet after the Darkness of Night there is hope that the Light of Day will come.  And so the night and the morning were the first Day.

The truth is out there.
It will be found if you seek it.
Truth never really is destroyed:
Only diluted and told as lies.
Though all are made to forget it –
Truth will yet endure.
There is nothing hidden –
That will not be revealed.
It lives in the stories we tell.
What is truth speaks:
Calling out to us to gather round,
For lies are empty:
Originating only from the void.
Only the creator creates.
So keep that spark in you alive –
That you received with your first breath
Never lose your inspiration and meaning
Or the void will surely claim you…
…As its own.

Chapter 2 
The Golden Age

“Isn’t there any way you can stay?”
“The outer void must be contained son.”
“But how can you fill it?  When it always hungers so.”
Looking tenderly in his son’s eyes and caressing his soft face in his hand, “I have all the love I need - right here.  All you need is love.  It is a well that never runs dry.”  And he pointed at his son’s heart gently shaking his hand against his chest, “And I will always be with you - right here.  This is my true home that I shall never leave.”  He stepped back nodding at him.  “There is nothing – no void so great that my love cannot fill it.  No matter the obstacle – Love always finds a way.  Always keep my love close in your heart.  Then nothing else can reach you.”
Now with light travel available FATHER promised to visit as often as possible now enjoying moments with his son so they could continue to dream of the future together and keep putting together the fragments the past had left behind.  There was much work to be done, but FATHER trusted all his sons to rule well.  There was none above the other: they were to all rule as equals.  The others though had not retained their memories which had become as scattered as their bodies.  Only his one son knew what was truly going on and came to see FATHER off. 
Jupiter the first clone of FATHER knew though and placed his hands on the son’s shoulders surrounding him with his massive wings.  “He will be well looked after.”
“None of them may know.  Always remember this.  Whatever it takes; none of them may ever know his true identity.” 
Jupiter nodded solemnly.  “You have my word.”
Samael was suspicious from the very start.  They couldn’t have all just…appeared.  Someone  had to know what was going on.  His wounds were healing nicely but it still showed where he had been ripped to pieces.  The knowledge of what happened continued to tear at his very soul without him ever being able to quite put his finger on just what that knowledge was.   The others around him seemed ever too serenely and scarily happy - perfectly content sipping nectar and swatting playfully and riding the dragonlings and such.
He prayed to the open sky for assistance.  Countless stars twinkled back at him in response winking and pointing.  The pyre of the sun had not been heaped up yet; on one side and on the other was the vast light imprint but before him to the North lay a path of terrible darkness.  He pondered.  If the light was not revealing things to him, then there must be something lurking in the shadows right before him.  Yes, this would be where the truth would be found.  The darkness seemed to call out, “Befriend Jupiter…he knooowwws.”
Samael glanced over at the massive tree beside him.  Jupiter the great winged lion was preening, licking his paws and innocently combing back his mane.  Samael was a bit distance off just floating in midair while Jupiter was atop the massive platform that the top of the Tree of Wisdom made for him.  This tree was half the height of MOTHER standing and was fashioned from the strands of her golden hair gnarling and intertwining themselves upward and outward forming platforms and sprite and nymph cottages and at the very top the home of Jupiter.  The roots ran into her soft living bone: for everything – hair, bones, nails – Life possessed (even giving life to Death itself.)   The tree had taken shape as there was now need for it after her Spirit had disappeared.  Not even Jupiter knew where she now was.  Glory clouds covered the face of earth and below angry waves ripped about beating against her and swirling around in empty masses.  The entire embryo sac was slowly shifting.  The small tear at the top had been slowly deflating as the void pressed against it.  The bottom of the sac was slowly lifting toward the center and the sides were elongating; gravity was ever so slowly creeping in on them. 
Samael floated lightly across toward Jupiter.  Sameal was about the size of a continent and Jupiter for convenience had compacted his size to about double that of Samael.  (Any smaller and he would have to leave his old form and downsize with just his essentials.)   Samael offered his assistance to Jupiter as his aid in supplying nectar – not that any of them needed to eat.  It was just that the nectar and fruit of the wisdom tree sharpened their senses and quickened their wits.  Drinking of it could cause you to see things that no longer are or things that may be.  It allowed you to enter a world of dreams without actually sleeping (since none of them actually slept) and with much more perception.  It can get quite blundered though depending on who is doing the sipping -for it can only sharpen existing wisdom.  (The fruit did supply them with abilities regardless of if they had them before or not.)
Samael faithfully and ever so dutifully served Jupiter.  He would at times sip extra portions of the nectar himself not believing Jupiter to have noticed.  He found out between Jupiter and sips that MOTHER had left her body and was nowhere to be seen.  Perhaps her body had been ripped beyond repair?  But then couldn’t she just downsize?  They all had the ability to reform matter around them to one degree or another.  She could just rummage through her remains and pick out the parts she wanted to keep and just take on a smaller newer shape. 
Just because this was the golden age of peace and happiness didn’t mean they didn’t have their battles.  There were still dragons about their size that randomly spawned in the remaining blood and globs of the dragon flesh.  If it had already drunk of the river Leche then it was pretty guaranteed to be a nice docile dragon.   If it did come at them mad-violent they needed only kill it and when it re-spawned make sure it drank the soothing milk.  The one-eyed Cyclopes were pretty big and required to drink the milk routinely.   They would be pretty smart, but drinking the milk made them only remember the nice things.  Samael figured the river Leche had a large role in everyone’s cherub-like demeanor. 
The Golden Age was the age everyone was equal and no laws were necessary.  Death was just a short nap before you were back to your old self again.  If anyone needed to forget something violent they needed only a few good sips of Leche to be return to their amiable and agreeable thoughts once more. 
All the animals had equal respect for each other and were able to talk but usually everyone just read each other’s minds.  In this way no one was able to lie.  If you didn’t want someone to read your mind you had to whistle or think about something else and hope they never asked the right question to find what  you were hiding.  Samael had a sweet playful face with wisps of blond hair and streaks of red that shot up and out behind him.  He had a short little upturned nose and would often be found sneaking around poking around in places that were none of his business.
Each of the brothers had different powers.  They didn’t have much reason to use them and most of them hadn’t figured out what powers they even had yet.  The nectar from the flowers on the tree came from pulling out little petals similar to a honeysuckle except many more that formed the shape of a ripe Dandelion - only there were twelve different shades of colors and each yielded a different flavor.  There were also different kinds of nuts being the fruits.  The little cherubs liked to bop each other with them or pick apart the flowers and watch them float away.  There was always one who would get ideas of their powers and randomly test them out.  It was fun watching the fruits explode in fireworks against the twinkling darkness above or watch a show put on by flower petals manipulated by the force of their minds to then battle each other and what shape of imagination could beat the other’s.  (And yes, they too were clothed in glory clouds… just by the way.)  
Twelve boys and one girl often presents a problem with which of them would actually get to have the girl, but most of the other boys were not the least bit interested in Beulah.  It seemed the only two who had enough good sense to notice her existence was Samael and Hashem.   The three of them often hung out on their adventures.  With minimal gravity they were able to explore great expanses.  You never really knew just what had arisen from MOTHER’S healing stream of Leche and was now wandering the vast beyond.   One could only hope the creature did rise from Leche and had not drunk from her stream of Menstrure far below.  These rare monsters would instead retain all horrid thought and be ravenous mad.  Those that drank of milk forgot all ill-will in the bubbly joyous foam above.  Many Dragons were tamable and the cherubs rode them as their own.

As evening drew near the Dragon reached the end where the breach had been repaired with piles made from his own tail.  Roaring angrily he thoughtlessly incinerated the pile to ash.  FATHER had deceived him!  FATHER must pay!  He turned to go back the way he had just come refusing to leave but stay and fight.  Jupiter sensed the turn for the worse and gathered all around.  He felt this day would come.  He told them Ragnarok was returning and they must prepare for the great battle they all must face.  All those who rose to fight well were promised position of honor, but the creatures and cherubs were very passive beings and did not wish to fight.  Only Samael, Beulah, and HaShem stepped forward.
The Cyclopes and other larger creatures had not been present so Jupiter was forced to turn to them for aid.  The Cyclopes took after Neptune being normally extremely clever, but the milk had dulled their senses pacifying them.  Being so large they were required regular feedings (which I would say a glass a day, but this was more like a four thousand-year-day so more like four thousand glasses a day.)  They had octopi-like head for their massive brains with a single slit on their foreheads that opened up into an eye.  Beneath their chins they had mouths with molar-like teeth. 
No thanks to the milk they were still able to make three amazing masterpieces to aid in the fight.  For Zeus they made an invisible electric field that allowed him to harness the power of lightning much like an eel but with precise aim.  For Samael they made a trident that allowed him to send waves of sound between the tongs.  With this power he could lift the heaviest of objects with great ease as he channeled the vibrations through his trident.  Water especially carried these vibrations great distances.  For HaShem they made the cloak of invisibility.  He was already able to control the matter of his body to turn to pure light and now he could conceal under the cloak of darkness.   The three Cyclopes had offered their gifts which left Beulah leaving empty-handed.  The males promised to her their utmost protection. 
With the refusal of the others to stand and fight, Zeus was forced into an alternate plan: they were to continue to harvest the fruit of the Wisdom Tree until there was a great heap of an offering for the Dragon upon the top.  This - the others were willing enough to do even sacrificing what they would normally take for themselves to make the heap as large as possible.  Zeus shared his plan with Samael, Beulah and HaShem.  Samael who had already proved his ability to communicate with the Dragon would pray peace to it.  He would tell the Dragon they did not wish to fight but had an offering of peace.  The Dragon of course did greatly salivate over the fruits of MOTHER for her Wisdom would surely give him great power.  They did not however warn the Dragon to sip slowly of the nectar and fruits for more than this could potentially be unbearable causing nausea and dizziness and bewilderment and confusion.
As the day drew to a close everyone was commanded to hide as best they could.  Vulcan and Hestia were the two satyrs and children of Venus that had been raised by Zeus.  (MOTHER had transferred some of her milk to Zeus to nourish them with – and yes, I know...)  Vulcan lodged himself deep within the flesh of MOTHER.  Only a small portion of his foot remained on the surface.  Hestia fled to the side where light was and summoned a great pyre around her making her appear as the light.  Samael as promised was the one chosen to keep Beulah safe from harm.  Parting the waves with his trident they buried themselves in the murk below and beneath a protective bubble.  Only Zeus stood to greet the Dragon.
They all knew that in the light just one glance from the Dragon was enough to turn any of them to stone.  (Jupiter could see small glimpses in the future more like a feeling and not near as drastic as the visions of Uranus.  The previous day darkness had actually kept them from this problem of the Dragon’s multiple gazes.) Zeus stood back warily with a protective shield of lightning that kept him from gazing at the Ragnarok.  He welcomed the Dragon pleasantly offering it to enjoy the feast.  The Dragon placed its claws on the head of Earth and gnawed with the entire tree in its great mouth.  Pulling as a dog with its prey it loosened the tree then yanking upward he pulled and wrenched it back and forth until the entire tree was ripped up from Earth along with her entire backbone.  He then swallowed it whole.  MOTHER had been pulled and shaken from the miry clay below as well as all those that had clung to her for safely and hiding (save Vulcan.)   The Dragon then went to claw them all apart.  Most of them were turned to stone before this happened.  Some of the stones he incinerated to dust. 
Gravity was about 30% at play and the Dragon was drawing and sucking the bodies toward himself.  Samael and Beulah got dislodged from the muck below.  “You just have to survive.”  He told her holding her hands – her back to the Dragon.  “The game here is live one second longer…”  She could feel her back –even without looking at the Dragon slowly turning to stone.  “Keep your gaze…look at me…”  Samael could feel the tremors of fear the Dragon was sending out.  “You have to live…just one more second…longer…than…”
HaShem shot his light as a great circular blade through the neck and shoulder joints of the Dragon from above.  Before the Dragon could turn his heads to react - his neck had been completely severed.  HaShem instantly and deftly sent out three more circular blades of light to sever the three main heads.  The light was so great and blinding neither the Dragon nor Hashem could see where the other was centered at, but he was guided through his Spirit.  The light that was in Neptune and Uranus had completely separated from them giving birth to Pegasus and a lizard-like creature shining as if in armor and holding up a golden sword.  As soon as the neck was severed they dashed out galloping and gallivanting away into the distance. As soon as Mars was released, Hashem bound the main head that was a bull to Mars to bear.  The two great horns rose from the bed of serpentine creatures.  On Mars the creatures took a paler look as if resting or perhaps partial stone themselves.  The bear and ibex gorgon heads he raised in both hands binding them to the light.  This greatly drained him and he could feel himself turning to stone.  FATHER (whose thoughts were constantly before and behind him - though for this his whole spirit was present) FATHER sensing this quickly took on his physical form completing the binding before hurling the heads to the outer reaches of light one East and another West where the imprint of Light glowed undying.  FATHER quickly took the hand of his son as the warmth faded to a stone cold grasp.  FATHER lowered his son slowly laying him to rest upon the left shoulder of MOTHER.  HaShem lifted his spirit from the stone to watch.  The cornerstone of Earth had been laid to rest.  FATHER had to break off his right hand to free it from the unyielding grasp.  “Son.”   He wept promising, “Rest here.  I promise you…I will make ANYONE who dare call himself your enemy into a form that you use as your footstool.”  Father stood looking around.   The weight of the heavens and earth was now equally balanced on his son’s shoulders.  Around him were the masses of children and creatures turned to stone.  Jupiter helped him search for survivors.  Samael and Beulah were frozen in place but still had warmth.  They quickly buried them in the cool mud of earth commanding the light to shine from their spirits once more reversing the process.  The light shone from within them breaking their stone exterior.
The Dragon was still very much alive - though severely wounded with the loss of his three main heads.  He still did have the four weaker heads of Neptune’s children to guide him from the outside and his whole body pulsed with the life of Uranus and Neptune (even with much of their brainpower lost to them.)  He retreated to recover but not before he snatching up the ten cherubs of FATHER that were already near him.   “Ha…ha…haa!!” Ragnarok bellowed through the four anemones – with a much less deep of a voice mind you - back at FATHER whom Jupiter had been continuing to uphold the shield of lightning around blocking their sight of the Ragnarok.  “I promise I will ALWAYS be there for them ensuring they travel backward FOREVER!!!!!  Ha…ha…haaaa!!”  The spirits of the children clung in desperation to their lifeless bodies as they became engulfed in flame against the Dawn of Day.  (They could have easily left – light traveled - just left – they were in spirit form after all, but the field of fear around Ragnarok kept them from barely even moving or gave them a break to have the thought that they could leave their bodies behind.) 
FATHER and Jupiter found Vulcan and Hestia as well and together they took the broken un-repairable remains to have hammered out into a bracelet that would surround the lower cell (which now was the inner circle instead of the bottom half as the bottom was continuing to rise becoming the center of their solar system.)   Most of these remains consisted of Earth’s arms legs and many overly ambitious Leche dragons.  The bracelet was made as an enclosure between Mar’s original domain and Jupiter’s.  The top area had many of the more poisonous gasses from the tear out to the void and this bracelet was also hoped to deter the Dragon’s return.
The two sisters Venus and Saturn bathed, healing and reviving in the foam below.
Surrounded by broken and empty bodies FATHER looked around in total silence for he had nothing good to say.

HaShem to Beulah before the great battle:
“Do not look to the darkness.  Look to the light.  Though all in you be darkness I still will find a way to make you shine.”

Please leave comments.  I really enjoy piecing together pieces of the past into stories that seek to put it all together as a test of 'if this were true it would look like this...'  I hope you don't look at anything I write as proclaiming this has to be true.  My writing is pretty experimental.  I'm not sure what it is that makes almost everyone scared of anything that combines the Bible with anything not labeled approved by the church such as even history and science...maybe it is religion...but I really don't get much outside inspiration of other people who also are not scared to explore beginnings and endings.  If you want to know why I cast something a certain way just ask!  Almost everything is based on things I have researched. 

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Saving Cain (A Culmination of Events: the Story Chapters 1-3)

Saving Cain
Melchizidek Salem

The love of God is greater far than tongue or pen could ever tell.  It goes beyond the highest star and reaches to the lowest hell.  To write the love of God above would drain the oceans dry.  Nor could the scroll contain the whole though stretched from sky to sky.
You may have been told a very brief story of Adam and Eve, the creation of the world, a world-wide flood, Father Abraham…but I’m not sure you have ever been told the length and depth and breadth of this story that no matter the err we get ourselves into, his love is always greater.  This story is so vast as a truth I cannot begin to tell it.  But I can tell you the bits that have come to me; what parts are true and what are not I cannot prove nor tell.  The story itself you will have to decide for yourself which parts are true, yet even so just to know a glimpse of his love that he has for one lost sheep is to know Him and His story all the truer.

Chapter 1

Chapter 1
Before the onset of all things there was nothing perceivable but the terrible feeling of thick bitter darkness for the light had not yet manifested.
The Godhead at that time yet had their mortal form though his understanding and wisdom and knowledge knows no bounds being in all time and space.
In the heart of the thickest darkness and swirls of poisonous gases breathed the terrible dragon named Wormwood but I call him Death for that is all he brings. His whole belly glowed yellow of burning sulfur and his back was covered in mountains upon mountains of erupting burning brimstone that cast horrific ominous shadows upon the thick shadows. His belly is sheer hellfire. The dust of his lair was hung so thick of volcanic ash it created a solid shell around him.
“Wait, Father Abraham.” The little girl put her hand on the elder’s knee. His long beard and stooped figure showed great age, but his face had not diminished from the glow of love that radiated between his many wrinkles. “You said it was my des - tin -ee to slay Death? You know I just be a little girl Father Abraham. I’m not going to be slaying a dragon the size of piles of mountains now.” The girl kept a matter of fact yet calm manner.
Abraham smiled. “The blood of Cain runs through those little veins of yours. It is the destiny of a child of Cain to slay the great dragon. You. One of your children...perhaps a 1,000 generations from now - one of you is going to snuff out that bitter foe where he can never again cause anyone else to be hurt ever ever again.”
The girl ruffled Abraham’s cloak around his knee assuredly, “Promises Father Abraham?”
“Promises.” He smiled picking back up his quill.
“Ok, well I’ll let you get back to your scroll writing there. You must let me read it in between times so I can show how my reading’s coming.”
Abraham winked gently at the child. “It would appear to be coming along just fine there Shuah.”
“Oh thank you Father Abraham!” Shuah wrinkled her nose delightedly and wiggling her hands on her knees now before skipping off.
Abraham looked up at the sky remembering the last time he had seen the dragon fly overhead, and then...he still did not like to think about it. He dipped his quill back in the ink.
The Godhead pure as he is cut himself down to become four. From each of these came four others - females. He charged each of his cut down clones to continue to multiply. And they did. Uranus and Neptune each soon had four children they each raised. Jupiter and Saturn had children that had children that had children. Venus and Mars each had two. But when news came that the Godhead had conceived a son, they all knew this was their destined king. Each of the heavens had no set orbit, no restraining gravity: they were free to do as they pleased. One couple: Uranus and Neptune felt considerably troubled and threatened by this news for the terrible darkness knew no bounds but crept silently wherever he was permitted to dwell.
But the dragon had had enough. His perpetual craving and hunger gnawed at his emptiness. After the messenger Pluto had delivered the good news to Neptune he wandered a bit to far for his own safety. Death snatched him up in his claw. “What news is this your bring...” He breathed puffs of green odorous clouds.
“Uh. Good News. First of all. The one being born is destined to rule the universe.” as he managed to wriggle unnoticeably free.
“Fool!” The dragon huffed swatting Pluto beneath his grasp. “I am in this universe! Does he think to rule me?”
“Uh. Light and Darkness. That does seem to include you.” He smiled and nodded matter-of-factly.
“Light? Huh!” I am the only light here!”
Pluto attempted to raise a great curved claw from his throat. “Just a messenger sir dragon. Just a messenger...”
The dragon picked up Pluto and slung him forward. “I’m sending a message here!” He would have laughed but a ball of brimstone puffed up in his throat.
Uranus was first intrigued then enthralled with the odd creature: “See Neptune how he crosses! …Undaunted and unhindered. Surly this is our promised king! Hurry we must do him homage.”
Neptune met him first bowing as he went. “My god, please accept these my children that we may find favor in thy sight!”
The dragon bellowed. “Ah they would go great with my collection! See here.” From behind the dragon came three balls of fire spinning and spitting everywhere. They unrolled standing. “I call them my evil winds.” The dragon continued to laugh.
Now Uranus stepped forward, “My lord, please accept this gift I humbly bring: myself to mother and cherish you for in all our vast existence there surely is none as great as you.”
The dark lord lifted her lowered chin with the tip of his claw in acknowledgment.
“Nibiru.” She whispered, then smiling at his whimsical face: “It means crossing. You my lord have formed the cross that all will come and worship before for there is none that can stand before the Death that you carry. In all that you do you will most surely be unstoppable.”
With this the evil one swelled to twice his stature and size in exceeding burning pride. Stretching upward with a total mass of that of the largest of the the heavens then winking and nodding he padded on forward upon the darkness. Around him ignited a green trail that continued to burn as the hydrogen he breathed out collided with the oxygen of the heavens.
Pluto was both agile and quick in his small size only taking a couple hundred years in our reckoning in its timeless eternity to reach the Godhead. Immediately the Godhead commanded countless counselors to their side, even though they needed none for earth was the embodiment of Wisdom and the Father that of Understanding and Knowledge. This ability to gain all Wisdom and Knowledge they endowed to their creations. These they held in the palms of their joined hands along with the myriads that also flew around them in the darkness.
What? Know ye not that the God of the universe neither faints nor is weary? Young men even faint and suffer hunger, but he gives power to the faint and those that have no might he increases strength.
“Welcome children,” The Godhead began in unison, “You have been gifted the ability to solve any problem presented you. For your first task a rogue being has appeared within our realm. You must learn of his intentions for yourself and if the future king is in any danger you must inform us how to protect his life and stop this evil…”
Truth be told the Godhead all along of the dragon and all he would do. And although they were unable to gaze upon the depth of the darkness it contained they knew it led to the death of their unborn. But they preferred to let these angelic sons come to the same conclusion on their own without their influence. One third of the sons were sent to the Dragon’s back to study from that perspective. These are the principalities and powers and guardians called the Watchers in the lowest order. The remaining hovered about the Godhead. They are the Seraphim, the Cherubim and the thrones in the highest third and the Dominions, the Virtues and the Powers in the second. Compared to us the Watchers are a third to double our stature, but compared to the Godhead they were indiscernibly small. Most of the lowest order do not have wings, but in their pure state they were able to hover or port where they wanted – though still in total darkness with no light of their own. They were all males and perfect in beauty and strength.
When the sons of God ported to Nibiru they agreed it best to postpone their mission given them to set up suitable dwelling places for themselves amid the fiery heat, even though truly they needed none at the start. This proved a valid course of action however for they soon felt twinges of Death taking hold of them as if they were somehow aging: ever so slowly declining in youthful vigor. Over a thousand years passed by our reckoning of it and still they had not yet solved what to do with Death. Contrariwise, if one were to examine their actions during this time they may just conclude that they had instead embraced and accepted Death. They had certainly learned to cope with it. Death’s back was made with the stuff of volcanoes and the thick dust clouds created a shield around him. This kept out the unbearable cold to one who is mortal, and having made Death their Father, it was the warmth of Death that now kept them alive. The thick clouds obscured their vision and with no way to see the stars anymore they lost track of where they were within the enclosure.
But the Dragon was far from slumber. When Jupiter and Saturn refused to do him homage he beheaded them and their children. The battle had been fierce for Saturn held the power of the wind and Jupiter of lightning: both these he took from the deceased. By the time he reached Mars and Venus the sons of God had come up with spaceships from which they commanded the skies. They offered their Death father wise council. “Water from Venus take. For her treachery in refusing to bow fill her belly with fire that she may burn forever. Cast her aside forever in solitude and burn her children. Wielding the power of water your battle wounds we will heal. Studying its power a tool in our hands it will be. Water on Mars leave. Anytime more healing you are needing, a way station for us he will provide. Knowing will all: your lordship as pleases him does.”
Among the sons of God upon Nibiru there had been much whispered disputing over their loyalty to the Death dragon, but until they knew a way to defeat him, they held their peace playing along. After all, he was now their home and by now all they ever felt they knew.
The time came for earth to be delivered, but there was no deliverance in sight. Hand in hand the Godhead faced the dragon.
“Bow before me!”
“Bow!” He spat angry sparks.
“Do you not know that I have the power to take your lives? Have you not seen what I have done to your other heavens as your examples? Do you not fear me?”
“Where is it you have gained such power?” The Godhead began in perfect unison. “Without oxygen to feed your flame you would only diminish. Where is it you have gotten your children that bring a smile to your being? Is that not from me? The winds that allow you to move are they not mine that you have stolen? The lightning that sparks your imagination is that not from my domain? And the water that soothes and calms your flame is that not of my doing? You could have no power at all except what is granted you.”
“Your tongue speaks arrogance!” The dark one bellowed. “Your tongues will be the first to taste my wrath!” With that Nibiru slung his tail around slinging a flaming skull into each of their mouths.
“When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie, My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply; The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine.”
The Godhead held only peace in their eyes as they clasped each other’s hands. The skull sloshed around in earth’s mouth until it had complexly severed her tongue along with her jawbone. Her front slit open breathing hellfire into her crevices until her heart had slid severed upon her womb and her womb opened wide. Nibiru counted as he came forward with his remaining Evil Winds to sever all twelve cords. Then he beheaded each one. Slinging his great form around to return on his way he took their lifeless skulls to be his children that he may cause them to go backward with him for all eternity. The twelfth skull was so badly burned he left it to rot.
The Spirit of the mother hovered over the broken water hiding her true and smallest twelfth son (for the other burnt skull had not been a son at all but a daughter.) As he rose above the water, umbilical cord still intact, he did not breathe. Great balls of fire continued to rain down around him even after Nibiru was now off in the distance. Then in great sorrow and distress the child cried out as the storm and waves overwhelmed him pulling him back under. The Spirit of the Father was shaken and stormed greatly as he cast Death – who was cursing and swearing an assumed victory – back toward the outer darkness and void in his tempest that he had awoken. The Watchers upon Nibiru suspected what was going on and sent out all their spacecraft to attack the child. In all the thundering and lightning and hail Nibiru was unable to see the new form of God descend upon his son; the breath of Spirit and the Understanding mind entered him and he gained Knowledge. His eyes opened wide as he surged upward the waters parting.
As the thick darkness of the storm woken by the Father’s wrath the Godchild spoke through the three of them; “Light! Be.” And he became pure light. His body rose until it fell into a hollow alongside the womb and the entire form of earth wrapped around it. The light was so bright though not even the form of his mother around him could conceal him. Nibiru faltered at the shaking tremors that went outward glancing behind him but was unable to change his course that he had been set on. The tremors went outward until gravity compressed inward and the heavens began spirling in motion. The light continued to rise around earth until all the heavens were illuminated by his glory and all their thoughts and deeds exposed. As the light reached Nibiru he was unable to sustain the glory and lost total control. Exploding he became two planets and seventeen moons. As Uranus and Neptune sought to escape to the barrier their legs disintegrated off them. Flames from Nibiru were shooting out erratically licking at whatever it reached. In burning flame the heavenly couple rolled up joining the heavenly circuit. The whole universe filled with great balls of burning light mostly from the light, but 1/3rd were mixed with the embittered flame. In that moment everything filled with glorious light; the morning stars sang together and the sons of God shouted. In the great noise there was no distinction between those who shouted in terror and those triumphant. Loudest halleluiah echoed from all remaining over and over until the shaking had subsided for the foundation had been laid.
From that moment on the Father established that no matter the Darkness of the Night Light will always dawn and morning will come. When it did another day would be done. The power he had in his physical form - though even incomprehensible to us - was nothing worthy to be compared with the glory he now has in his spiritual form. The flames of Nibiru burned around the throat of Earth where he deposited so much reckless flame. Till finally her heart and veins were turned to gold and other nerves and tendons to crystals and gems. The body of the child soon turned to clay, but he lived in Word and in Light who through becoming one with the Godhead had pushed back the darkness. The bits and pieces of the Father’s from he set around the furthest messenger Pluto to create a barrier to the outer darkness separating it. The main bulk of the seventh heaven of the Father left the shell of their solar system traveling far to the North where he would slowly draw their system to himself. The story now set in motion; it would continue to echo down through all time until the final enemy - Death himself had been defeated. They cut down multiplying their Spirit to countless beings and tested the endurance of each predestinating each spirit accordingly.
Within the heart of Nibiru Darkness began to swell afresh and fiercer still. The light had shone through him revealing his every hiding place. “Never...” He clenched all the way to his teeth and shook all the way through his severed apart body and tail. “Never again!” He swore.
As the Day came and went so would the Night. The Father passed on all his knowledge of all to his son save the final day when Death would be defeated. This knowledge he sealed with a seven sealed scroll until the time his son had proved his worth to receive and open it. Deep within the core of the earth and further on in the recesses of the child’s heart and brain they began to draw up their blueprints along the walls that were now turning to cave – together. They laughed and dreamt together of sharing life with these new beings. As yet they were in-motion drawings carved from the cracks and crevices of the walls. Some they even tested out such as the wooly mammoth and some fish, but they were not alone in their endeavors.
Darkness reached the outer drop-off of the void and finally mustered the strength to turn. Night had begun.
While the child shared seemingly endless glory with the Father work on solving the mysteries of the Universe was overseen by one exceptionally gifted son of God of the highest order: Samael. He was without question the most gifted in song and verse, in persuasion and riddles, in glory and in spendor. Each blueprint of the child’s play was submitted to their scrutiny. Samael would lurk around them learning and seeing what he could conjure as well. When the playful child submitted a plan for beings that could reproduce on their own and so share in the joy of the family he had been able to share with his parents the sons of God were beside themselves. It was not even so much the part that in order to reproduce the beings would have to first face death as well, but more in the simplicity of the drawings. They first assumed Light had childishly left them undone and added to the voids.
Light would only laugh and point back to the originals. As of yet, light had only spoken the two words. Samael took up his accusations with the Father, “I understand your coddling him like this, but someone has to tell him his plans will not stand. First of all, you see they will be vulnerable prey to death; if your sons on Nibiru were unable to control themselves against his vices then these will fall prey with the slightest inclination. Their dimensions also are much smaller, feebler and their intellect faulty at best. They will be completely dependent on you to save them.”
The Father motioned graciously, “I am listening.”
Samael continued, “To overcome death we need to instill in them obedience to your will. Let them be messengers that submit to your every command. If they never disobey, then Death will never be able to touch them.”
“I have heard you.” The Father nodded. “I will listen to you both. You and all those that side with you will become my messengers. This way, according to you, iniquity will never be found in you or yours. However the plans of my true son stand. He alone with myself has seen all things.”
“How is it,” Samael grimaced, “Am I supposed to give you council when you will not tell me these dreams you chase with him? How am I supposed to advise you the meaning of your future when you will not tell me the schemes you scheme with him?” He knelt “I am your son. I have been loyal to you this whole time. Share your glory with me also.”
The Father rose to walk away. “Because I see in you what you cannot yet see. You look on the outward perfecting, but cannot comprehend love.”
“Love cannot be comprehended.”
The Father nodded. “You must open yourself up to feel love, but you have subjected yourself to rules and regulations. There is no room in your heart for failure. The more failure you cover in someone else, the more love you have shown. Where sin abounds, grace does much more abound, but you will soon forget these words for they mean nothing to you.”

Chapter 2

God never intended the sons of God to marry.  He made them all males with the purpose of solving riddles.  There are logical thinkers who were united in the purpose of mastering the wiles of the enemy by following wholly after truth.  But they are not ones to express emotion and certainly not meant to fall in love.  For, love, you know, is the one thing in this whole universe that no one can explain.
The leader Samael was the most radiant of all of them.  He was one of them that remained almost constantly in the presence of God as his most trusted counselor.  Day by day he rose above God to create a rainbow halo of beauty around him with the sheer glory that radiated from him.  But there was one color that was missing from his glory and that was purple for he could only radiate six colors, not seven revealing from the start he fell short of God’s glory.
He was also entrusted with bringing updates as to the status of the sons of God that rode the dragon’s back.  Here is where he rode a double standard.  When he was in the presence of God he sought to please God in perfect glory and insight, but when he appeared upon Nibiru he was enamored with its charm and the insights those leeching warmth of life from him had to offer.  He justified that to be the best mediator between them and the highest he would need to perfectly understand their ways.  Here was the problem.  There was so much he had to glean from them this would take so much time and God, his ways were past finding out already so he began to tell half-truths in his lies as he gave his recommendations to his master.  
Until he could conclusively prove their supposed intentions to dissect earth for gold and what advice he would offer on both ends he just felt there was nothing to report.  He certainly sympathized with the sons of God whose every existence now depended on the heat the dragon rendered them.  But they had lost so much lava for their volcanoes that now there was much less dust in their atmosphere.  The intense cold crept in that even their extremely resilient flesh had trouble enduring.  And their empire had become divided.  Most actually felt remorseful for having slain the Godhead after having seen undeniably the truth to his power and light and the deception of the dragon exposed in the born son’s radiance.  They are all about following what is truth after all; none wanted to be wrong about anything!  This led to all-out war between the two sides.  Outnumbered two to one those who justified themselves saying that they must look after their own wellbeing first and that one Godhead could not have all the power, they were forced to come up with an ultimate weapon: the atomic bomb.  Many died in the battle, but more so the poison that it leeched out all around them.
But now they had the problem of needing to mend the atmosphere to protect them.   The problem for Samael was that they had figured that their only real solution was to harvest earth’s golden heart and veins.  By separating the atoms of gold, they could achieve a fine white powder that was light enough to remain suspended in the atmosphere.  Samael understood their point and his goal was to achieve a peaceful solution between the two sides, the problem with this was – this was his master’s wife they wanted to dissect for their own profit!   They discussed the possibly of creating more volcanic ash by releasing more atomic bombs deep underground, but their tests in remote areas proved futile.  And still they drew ever closer to earth.
“Samael!  How are my sons on Nibiru doing in their battle to overcome death?”  His master acted as if he did not already know.
“They seek to tame the flame with water.  You know there is nowhere with more water than earth.  Suppose they were to land and harvest some water to aid their struggles?”  He offered.   “And but what is to become of them as the sickness of death creeps into them.  No longer can they port back and forth as I can but are completely depended on Death’s vices.  Suppose they were to take up residence on earth?  We could certainly provide them with a suitable habitation!”
“No, that will not do.  She is a holy habitation not to be tainted with evil.”  He paused in thought, “A life giver.  The Light and I have already discussed the plans for beings that are to dwell on her filling her with life of his light.”
Samael bowed low.  “So you intend to go through with his plans then.”  He tried not to show his displeasure.
The dragon hurled full force into the back of earth sending her corpse reeling and ripping out her backbone.   She flipped outward her face and heart once more exposed.  His moons became cruel talons that ripped in revenge deep into her flesh revealing her gold.  The space ships quickly boarded earth chiseling into all they could carry and catching the return of the dragon as he slung shot himself around the radiance of the Godhead who watched from the center of the realm in mournful silence. 
Tenderly God picked up all the broken pieces and made another barrier between the upper waters of mostly hydrogen where the furthest heavens were and barricading themselves in with Mars and Venus. 
3,983 years later the dragon returned.  This time God had enough with waiting on the sons of God to pull through and instead pushed earth just beyond his reach.  They would no longer be worthy to be called his sons but prodigals.  The time had come for life to being anew.  He called for green to cover her as a garment.  Deep within her the tree that had grown in her womb wriggled and roots went out in every direction reaching to the surface as the trees began to grow and green cover her as a garment. 
The next day God ordained the only remaining skull of what would have been his daughter to rule over the stars and the darkness.  The radiance of his son he ordained to watch over the light.  The light would not have authority over the darkness directly, but the moon would reflect his light and have authority through him as he covered her in glory and grace.  She would even rule over the stars – who represented the first sons of God.
Then God called for life to come from the waters and they teemed as well as the waters of the air. Even the water that was on all the heavens began to teem according to the reflection of those the water mirrored and revealed, so each planet had different sorts of creatures.  On Nibiru the dragons were born after the spirit of the master the waters reflected.
The very next day God called for life to spring from the earth, the decayed flesh of his bride.  All the animals that sprung up were loving after the kind of earth.  Spiritually they had been dreamt up thousands of years before in the brain and heart of her son.  Now they sprung up from hers and his flesh to teem across the green land.  The animals that sprung from Nibiru were more adapted to surviving his extreme cold and intense heat swings.
Always God and his son had understood the need to achieve balance between light and darkness, good and evil.  The man he made from the red clay at the navel of his son’s corpse.   The woman he made from the charred darkened flesh of the moon.  The man he called Adam and the woman Lilith.  The woman was very beautiful with dark skin and eyes that flashed white with mystery.  But her heart had been charred with the lure of death.  She wanted to be chased, worshiped, dolled and adored.  She acted like she was giving Adam compliments, but really she was just boosting his ego to manipulate him.  Adam made the mistake of ignoring her and instead named all the animals.  She was on him pestering him to do other things night and day.  Finally the arguing came to a head and he refused her sender her away. 
God planted a garden just for Adam in the womb of earth all around the Tree of Life.  Here he caused him to fall into a deep sleep as he took one of his ribs to make it into a woman suitable for him.  The woman was white like as his rib, as white as snow.  Adam was copper red.   When Adam woke up after he realized what God had done exclaimed that she was bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh accepting her.
But in this they only found compatibility in their likenesses and not in their differences.  The struggle to find balance would be a long drawn out one instead.
Compared to the sons of God Adam and his new wife Eve were a bit of a disappointment according to the opinion of Samael.  They were much shorter and not nearly as beautiful or radiant – quite plain actually.  Comparatively speaking they were babes in the form of intellect – they could not even discern that were was great evil just beyond the barrier for God never even told them.  They just were expected to tend to and protect the garden that came completely grown and manicured to start with. 
There was one twist Samael insisted was thrown into the mix; if they truly had free will, they should be able to choose his way of taking away their free will should they choose him as their master.  Since this could not be explained to them where they could understand, this was achieved in the form of the two trees.  Whoever’s tree they chose to eat from first would also be the master they chose.  As there master they would gain the right of the earth as well.  The Tree of Life was large and overshadowed the whole garden; it was impossible to climb, but there were a few fruits that hung down from a few lower branches.  As if seeking to strangle the Tree of Life, the Tree of Knowledge grew all around it creeping its way upward tendril by tendril.
Life in the Garden of Eden with God was timeless.  Within the womb of earth the two innocents had no idea the evil the lurked waiting on their doorstep for that one wrong choice.  The sons of God that lived on the dragon’s back were called the Watchers.  They did indeed make it to earth to harvest her gold.  On earth they called themselves the Annunaki.  They also made a way station on Mars to have the gold further separated into the white powder that they could toss up into their atmosphere.  This separation process was more toxic to the atmosphere so that is why they decided to do this on Mars.  Here they called themselves the Igiggi.  The world that once awaited Adam and Eve began in breathtaking spectacular beauty.  The mother trees that grew from the roots of the tree of life rose high above the landscape making the trees of today appear as moss to them.  Today all that remains are stumps that we call mountains.  There was no rain and no rain necessary for the canopy of greenery retained the moisture creating a greenhouse effect for the life below.  The colors were so vibrant and rich and the life had a glow of itself to each they were all so glorious.  There was more oxygen and with mother trees that grew from the Tree of Life there was no natural death.  For nearly 25,000 years this continued as the sons of God continued to harvest earth for her rich resources.  And yet to Adam and his wife Eve it seemed a mere 25 days. 
With nothing dying on its own and such a rich atmosphere things grew to double and triple that of which we know today naturally, but evil lurked.  This is their story:
Lilith knew she should not have been rejected.  She knew she was destined for greatness.  Samael was quick to find and console her.  Once the creative week was completed, only those sons of God who dwelt on Nibiru had lost their immortality and were susceptible to Death and able to reproduce.  Samael was still immortal however as he had only visited briefly at a time so he could not bear children on his own.  But he still insisted he needed seed as if that would somehow prove that when they followed his ways that he was the true son. Working with the sons of God before they had arrived to harvest the pristine earth he found a way to genetically engineer Lilith to cross seed with the monkeys.  These Neanderthals, though a successful inbreeding, proved to insufficient for Samael as they seriously lacked brain capacity to follow his ways. 
Moving on from that endeavor he assisted the Watchers arrival on earth.  Their rule was split between Zeus who had the mainland where the rich afterbirths of the children fertilized different river valleys and Poseidon took all other lands.  About 3/4ths of the world was land.  Poseidon was in charge of the mining which was mostly done in Africa and then this was taken to the spaceport at the Fertile Crescent.  They began with dedicated workers of their own kind.  As the mined lush tropical paradises began to turn to wilderness and as the mother trees were cut down the sun soon scorched the land where no rain was.  Under the guidance of Samael, Poseidon first mined upper Africa which is directly above the womb to see if they could penetrate to those below.  They brought their dragons with them as well who helped clear out the dense shrubbery with their flaming breath.
Lilith was revered as goddess and worshiped with Venus dolls among the Neanderthals thought to aid their fertility. Just with the presence of the Anunnaki on earth the effects of Death were beginning to spread. Meanwhile Samael had been working on perfecting genetic engineering with the goal of cross breeding the Neanderthals with the Annunaki. With the help of Poseidon and some of his men they had developed great monsters by cross breeding with the dragon kind. The two largest were Leviathan and Behemoth that liked playing in the wasteland and quarries of upper Africa. They did much testing with cross breeding the Neanderthal females with themselves and had to discard many failed attempts that either still could not speak their sounds or had fur or a limb too short until they finally had their own versions called Adamu and Tiamat. These they kept caged up as if to show off their success to the brother Zeus and the others on the mainland. Then they started farms to raise the slaves which were then transported to the gold mines to be worked to death with harsh cruel treatment.
Part of their initial failed attempts was the creation of the Titans. These were men larger than giants who grew to the size of mountains. They contained them on the Americas. But they could not be sustained and were destroying the earth with their mindless crashing and thrashing and need to eat whatever life they could get a hold of. Zeus was the one who came up with the ability to shoot lightning from his spacecraft to shock them into obedience, but it wasn’t enough. Doing tests on the island of Crete with the giants there, they found a way to petrify them turning them to stone with the aid of the genetically engineered basilisk. This is how America became the land of the Blessed Dead as the Titans laid down beside their hewn stumps and fallen trees to become mountains and mountain ranges.
Zeus was never very happy about his brother’s race of slaves as he felt that should be in the hands of the creator alone as he held a more sacred view of life. Although he had defeated the Titans he only felt he did this as his responsibility to preserve the life they were preying on. There was more and more struggle between them over which of the brothers truly ruled earth. Since Zeus had by their Father Anu been delegated the mainland where most of the Annunaki lived, Poseidon felt the need to outdo him with the establishment of Atlantis between the torn apart heart halves amid Antarctica. Here where her main artery rose above the sea he made the most extravagant temple ever seen by them with all his best resources. Zeus also had been able to claim Lilith as his wife but after he got a slave girl pregant at his summer home where they domesticated wheat in order to have beer she left him. So Poseidon got Lilith to come with him and rejuvenate in the hot springs and study ways of plastic surgery and such to renew her youth. (Even though there was no death, she was showing slight signs of aging.) He wanted her to give him sons, but three times she gave him daughters. These he tossed into the sea. With no natural death, there was more adaptation to survival and these became merfolk.
Poseidon got his trident this way: to harness the power to lift large rocks, they found the two most powerful elements in the universe are light and sound. Sound he mastered between the tongs of his trident. Harnessing the power of sound they were able to lift and transport multi ton rocks as well as cut with laser precision. Now all he would have to do is master lighting and he would be able to rule over his brother as well!
They learned a powerful spell using the triangle and an inverted triangle to form a star which anything contained in that star they could control. As they continued to select the finest of Adamu’s daughters for themselves, the Annunaki lusted after them taking them for their own wives. Zeus had a son from the slave girl who had a daughter who married a son of Poseidon. This couple helped unite the earth to work from both lands to build a 6 sided star around the earth to curse those who dwelt in the womb to death. Measuring precisely 6,666 kilometers from specific locations and lined up with Anchorage Alaska, which was then the North Pole, they built their masterpieces. The couple was honored with their achievements with the gift of the sphinx that Zeus had erected for them at their main star point above the womb: Giza Egypt.
By this time their habitations were worldwide.  They had fought hard for their survival though.  Whenever Nibiru passed by every 3,983 years there was always some sort of havoc to be wrought in his backlash.  At one time the ice from a ball of ice he had been trailing behind him nearly covered the whole world.  Much of life was instantly frozen.  To survive this, the Annunaki had to go underground and their flesh rotted from them.  This made them smell like the sulfuric place they had come from and they had to make new skin coats to completely cover their shrunken sizes.  While they ruled the world as gods they knew the oracles were right that their time was ever shortening when the rule of this world would be entrusted to Adam and Eve.  The only exception was Lilith.  She too had a right to this earth and her descendants.  The Annunaki knew they themselves were trespassers.  So they began leaving their rule to demigod children to prolong their posterity. 
The year was 4,000 BC.

Chapter 3
Eve was very pure and innocent. Her one flaw was she trusted all that was told her. She had no ties to anyone and no desire to be indebted to anyone or tied down to structure and rules. She lived wild and free. She could not understand why God would not allow them to touch the vine that wound up the Tree of Life – at least that is what Adam told her God had said. She didn’t really care that much for Adam and never took the time to ask God about the vine. It’s not that she didn’t like Adam; she liked him just fine, there were just so many other delights she liked to enjoy.
Adam would come up with things that God had not said because he was too timid to admit to her that he liked her. He would say things like God had asked them to work in this part of the garden or that she shouldn’t keep going talking with the sons of God that would stop in to visit and help. He not being straightforward mainly just frustrated her though to where she would rush through her supposed duties to go back to her gamboling about.
Adam soon found he did not like the menial tasks that he didn’t think would impress himself to Eve anyway. He did enjoy the walks with God which is where Eve would join in as she darted back and forth across the path like a butterfly. She was pure white but her hair was jet black and she had Adam’s brown eyes. Adam was copper red, the same height as Eve with long black hair and a broad nose with flared nostrils.
Eve was fascinated with the stories Samael would tell her of the gods that ruled the above world. She was drawn to his powers and how he could transform himself into anything that existed. He transformed himself into a dragon to show her the fantastic creatures that lived in the land above. He told her he was known at the feathered serpent – which at that time serpents were just another name for dragons – because he was the only one who had feathers not scales.
Eve had a heart for freedom and a curiosity to know everything. Samael knew this and he told her she could be free like the gods even ruling over Adam and telling him what is right and wrong. He got her to touch the vine and the fruit showing her that she did not die. She squeezed a drop of its juice in her mouth causing her to be drunk with its potency. Adam was not to be outdone by her challenge so he readily accepted not wanting to appear weak.
Both now drunk, they laughed and danced naked around the tree. Now also able to die they desired to repopulate and lusted after each other. This is when Eve became pregnant with Cain; he was birthed when sin entered. But when they heard the sound of the Lord God coming to walk with them as the evening cooled they were suddenly ashamed and embarrassed and quickly hid themselves seeking leaves to hide within.
God was very compassionate with them. “Where is the glory I once clothed you in? Why do you now wear shamefacedness?”
Adam insisted that if God had never given him a woman he would never have sinned.
This angered Eve and she said it was the serpent that had deceived her.
The serpent just grinned smugly.
Then God blessed them with curses which if they walked through would enable them to restore fellowship with him and then clothed them with sacrifice before sending them out into the world.
If man learned to provide and work for another he would learn how to lead and love as God who lays down his own life for others to flourish.
If woman would labor in childbirth and continue in the labor of raising the children she would learn love. If she would learn submission she would learn to let go and let God.
The dragon was cursed eat the dust that man is made of and was stripped of his glory. When he tried to resist and duel God, God struck him with blindness in one of his eyes which God said was appropriate because the darkness had already done so. Everywhere, all dragons lost their luster, becoming the serpents that we know today. With no dragons to compare to, Samael was no longer able to transform into them for he lacks creativity.
Eve felt very guilty and upset that Adam had been angry with her. Greatly conflicted she set out on her own not wanting to ask him for anything. She wanted to show him her own strength. The upper world was nothing like the paradise in the womb. There were not fruit trees and herbs such as they were used to but scorched lands and forests and grasses. It all seemed to be animal food to her and she craved the fruit of the garden.
Adam though loved his wife and wished a present to give her. He besought and cried out to the Lord in the river that led to the opening to Eden. For forty days he cried out not eating until the creation itself around him seemed to also beseech the Lord. According to the agreement though, this world had been given over to Adam and Eve who had chosen to make Samael their god making the kingdom of earth under the leadership of Samael to do as he saw fit. It was up to Adam and Eve to continue to choose which god they would cry out to for help. God sent his sons the angels to hear Adam’s request and permitted him to have seed from some of the trees and spice herbs. Adam planted the seeds, but when he found Eve, Samael had found her first. She had already planted wheat. Her belly now bulging, he suspected she was pregnant with Samael’s child. He watched from a distance with growing burning jealousy until he decided to seek something else that may please her. Eve though did not want Samael around.
And so Eve’s whole pregnancy was spent wandering from place to place destitute and alone. When she came to give birth terror seized her and she cried out to the stars above to beseech Adam to come to her as Samael had taught her to pray. But Adam had already heard her cries deep in his spirit and was afraid that Samael would have once more turned himself on her to bring her down.
Gabriel also appeared strengthening Eve. When Cain was born his first steps were to reach a blade of grass and pluck it. Meanwhile Adam had found some lambs and was raising them. Now Eve also felt she had worth to offer to Adam: a man-child. Eve came to see all that he was working on so diligently and knew he would not have normally worked this hard. She felt safe and secure in his embrace and soon was pregnant with Abel. This was a time of peace for her until her last trimester when she had a terrible dream. She dreamt that Cain drank the blood of the child within her. Her child pleaded him to stop, to spare just a drop but Cain would not and drank all. That is why she called him Hebel because she said he is but destined to die but Adam called him Abel. Abel was copper red like his father and Cain was bone white like his mother.
They did all they could to keep the two sons apart. Abel was to travel about seeking pasture for his sheep but Cain they attempted to keep close. But one day Abel returned allowing his sheep to graze from Cain’s wheat. This angered Cain but Abel said that Cain should give up his garments which came from the sheep of his flock. They decided to have a sacrifice to God. Whoever’s offering God accepted -wheat or sheep - would be the one who is right.
Abel brought a spotless lamb. Cain brought what was left of his harvest. The lamb should not have caught fire; his was dry and piled high but God did not even seem to notice. Fire came down from heaven accepting the sacrifice of the lamb. Cain vowed the next time Abel wandered into his fields it would be his last. He patiently waited. When Abel came he did not hold back but spattered over and over streams of blood over their white sheepskins. Abel did not even resist but was shocked and wide eyed pleading with his brother to stop. The blood of Adam made of clay of Europea dripped for the first time into the earth and she seemed as if to awaken in anger as the ground shook greatly. All the heavens shook and lined up. The elder moon that the dragon had taken captive seemed to hear the cries for mercy and broke free from his captors. He charged toward the earth in mindless rage but the moon stood in the way to stop him. He crashed skull upon skull shattering all over hers and creating great craters over the land of the Blessed Dead and the water leading to Europa. Cain greatly feared and sought to bury his dead.
The blood of Abel cried out to God pleading for him to intercede. The Lord God came down. Cain had never met God before. Samael showed up to inflict his punishment. “Cain, you have murdered committing sin; you must now die for your crime.”
The Lord God interceded. “He will surely die, but not until the seventh generation.” Then he encased the last drop of Abel’s blood placing it on Cain’s forehead. Cain’s whole body became leprous causing his hair to fall out except where the drop of blood was. “You will bear your brother’s blood. No one is permitted to relieve you of this task; if they should they will bear the drop of blood for sevenfold more.” Then the Lord God banished Cain to be a wanderer fleeing for his life.
It’s not that Adam and Eve would have killed him, but the sons of God who ruled under Samael would surely have inflicted the death penalty. They were only permitted to be on the earth with the permission of a child of Adam, Eve or Lilith and they were to steer clear of any who did not request their presence. The original ones had been banished for trespassing previously, but Samael had his fresh patrol for enforcing his rules. The old cities were forsaken around the area of Canaan where the Garden came out at.
Cain had always been a bit of a coward growing up. He had never gone far beyond where was necessary for his wheat fields. His mother had come across fearful to him cautioning him to not go off on his own and warning him of beasts and aliens and tribesmen she had met during her pregnancy. While this was true, the reason she was sharing this was so she could keep him close to home and away from Abel. Now feeling like they had lost both their sons, Adam and Eve did not have any more children for over a hundred more years in grief for their loss. Eve had also warned Cain of the deception of Samael and his angels – she warned him not to trust anyone. And so Cain was truly alone.
It was as if Adam and Eve bore the suffering of banishment with Cain though, for it was not until he found a place to rest and have a son, did they also. For over a hundred years Cain wandered fleeing for his life. The sons of God that had been farming earth had retreated to the dragon's back for a time leaving their cities habitations for spirits and demons and freed slaves who dared enter. (Spirits are those that come from the children of Lilith and Eve; demons came from the deceased sons of God and their demigod children who would never face a judgment day. Only now in my time are men finally becoming unable to see these creatures. The spirits were more mournful seeking rest, but the demons were self-justified always seeking revenge.) Decay had crept in and now trees rotted and leaves fell with the seasons. Yet still there was no rain and the earth only became harder and harder – everywhere Cain went the ground sealed beneath him lest it should instead receive a drop of his cursed blood. Creation itself seemed to turn its back on him as he wandered in the chill winds and heat of deserts. Where he found nourishment he would return only to find it withered up and thorns over growing in its stead.
Even though the sons of God had retreated, Samael would patrol the earth using his legion of angels. Then he would report through them all the things that were wrong to his master and what needed to be done about it. He seemed to have the gift at not seeing the good, but loved instead the challenge of finding things that needed solving. In this he became the prosecutor on God’s one hand and God’s firstborn son became the defender. But still for Samael it was all too personal; he was out to prove that this child of Adam and Eve was destined for failure and it sure seemed that way. Samael certainly did nothing to help; instead Cain was the hunted target of his legion.
The freed slaves had banded together to form fierce hunting tribes. They were shorter than Cain were very territorial. If he got too close they would run at him with spears shouting things he could not understand. The sons of God had some abandoned spacecraft and ships that Cain would either be a stow-away on at times or take to flee on.
Enraged at the mistreatment of daughters, Lilith had started her own tribe of fierce female warriors – females who had been mistreated or rejected by their mates. While wandering in the still tropical forests of South America Cain met one. She would have killed him, but she stopped perhaps at the curiosity of the arkenstone embedded in his forehead or the terrible look of abandonment he also held in his eyes. So she spared him. He was certainly different: white all over with inactive leprosy but not like the tall pale ones who had tortured her. She slit a small cut in his arm: red blood. The tall pale ones had green or blue blood due to the low oxygen count. Cain was not welcome in the female-only tribe so she traveled back with him to his homeland. They had a son and they started their own city: a fortified place where all wanderers were welcome to join them in their defense against the pale ones. And so Cain found peace and acceptance.
But things were not so well with Adam and Eve. They too had a son at 130 years old, but Eve remained curious about the help the gods offered. Walks with God in the cool of the evening were all but forgotten in her mind. This place was God-forsaken. Talking beasts and singing dragons were but a thing of dreams turned to nightmares. Now the beasts feared them and attacked their sheep. There were terrible monsters in this world and poisonous plants – so many ways to die and they were all alone in it stricken with guilt and grief. The world itself was dying, drying up; they had to wander to find good pasture for their flock. Each time a wild beast carried off another lamb it was like the voice of Abel crying out all over again.
Finally she gave in to Samael to pray to wooden figures requesting that the gods of old return and restore balance. Seth joined in as well as her grandson Enosh. After Seth was born Adam and Eve had many more sons and daughters. By the time Eve was 300 years old her family had populated throughout the area of Canaan and began to venture out further when news was brought to her that Cain yet lived and had built a city in the Fertile Crescent.
Things of old began to be forgotten; Samael gave up trying to slay Cain. A handful of the Watchers from Nibiru returned and were applauded for their knowledge in supplying irrigation and other helpful farming and hunting techniques. They shared their mining techniques helping to fashion idols of bronze and weapons and other utensils and flint. They taught the people how to read and write. And so the people forgot about the God who made them and served these as gods.
But when Enosh, Seth’s son, had Kenan he took on Adam’s faith and began to prophecy speaking out against the evil that was being committed. The Father of all was also grieved and in response to the prayers offered sent a flood on the Fertile Crescent that wiped out a third of the world’s population also destroying the tower that Zeus had made a couple thousand years earlier. The flood was followed by famine. With so much death the spirits and demons were outnumbering the living. Kenan though had power over them. The world soon asked him to be their king. Working together they banished the spirits and demons to the underworld where Eden once was using the curse at the Giza pyramids that had already been set up for them. Eden was cursed into two sections; a place for the more peaceful spirits to rest and a wilderness for the demons to roam. Kenan taught the people how to bury their dead to be able to rest and go to this place on peace. He also started a library of tablets and treasures from his extensive travels; he ruled forty years. Then Mahalalel ruled after him then Jared, but with peace restored people by this time had returned to their adultery and idolatry. This time 200 Watchers came down who made a pact after they had seen how beautiful the daughters were, that they would each marry one and establish their own reigns through them. They took whoever they wanted married already or not. They taught them worthless things such as how to wear make-up and taught women how to drink draughts so they could maintain their figures. They would take one wife for pleasure who would drink the draught and one for children who would become unloved as they sought outward perfection and fleshly lusts.
Lamech, the 6th generation in the line of Cain, fell prey to this practice. He took his wives from the 6th generation in the line of Seth: Adah and Zillah the sisters of Jared. Zillah was the one that drank the draught. She should not have been able to bear children and yet she craved to.
By the time Jared’s son Enoch was in his 50s things had become even worse than they were when Kenan took rule. People were praying to their dead, communicating to them for advice, asking them to return, and sacrificing to them. Virgins and young children were believed especially to please the dead in their hallowed ceremonies. There was not a household that did not have family idols to the gods and charms and other things for the spirits and demons. And even though it was becoming harder to find food people only multiplied still. Those that were born of the gods were well fed and reverenced. Because they had the survivability of the gods and the blood of man they grew more than normal. It was certainly not as much as the Titans who had 1,000s of years and the greenhouse effect, but still the demi-gods were becoming giant-like and people were required to bring in a portion of their harvests as offerings to feed them.
Jabal and Jubal, the sons of Adah and Lamech, were about the same age as Enoch; Jabal made good use of shepherding by making tents and traveling with these studying the past and schooling others in them. Jubal accompanied him with making instruments and teaching others this art. Enoch was influenced by this quiet lifestyle and sought to find peace for the trouble of his day. Hungry for true wisdom and knowledge he found its source: Adam. Adam was in his 600s. Seth joined in and they began to seek after God. Enoch gave birth to two sons and three daughters: Methuselah and Elisha and Elimelech, Melcha and Nahmah. By this time people were recognizing that the wisdom of Enoch surpassed the wisdom of the gods and they asked him to rule over them. He consented. Zillah came to him requesting healing for her barren womb and that is how she gave birth to Tubal-Cain.
Tubal-Cain was but a small lad when he went out hunting with his elderly father. Lamech was old and shaky and could barely see his own hand in front of him. Tubal-Cain had to steady his hand just so he could shoot. Lamech taught him the ways of the forest and tracking prey. They had been out on a weeklong hunting expedition that should have been over but Tubal-Cain said he saw a beast stalking beyond them.
Lamech was excited as he could hear the rusting distinctly. “Where it my boy? Guide my arm!”
Tubal-Cain had heard all the stories of his forefather Cain. He admired how he had taken a life and wondered at how life was still held in such high regard. Surely a human life was the greatest trophy of all. He admired how Cain was given the arkenstone and wanted it for himself. Smiling childishly he guided his father’s hand as Cain continued to walk toward them. It was a clean shot straight to the heart.
When Lamech came to inspect the kill he was horrified. “This is your doing boy!” He said clapping his hands over the boy’s ears stoutly. The boy fell to his knees his ears ringing terribly and crying out in agony trying to cover up the ringing with his hands. When blood started coming out his ears and nose Lamech backed away speechless fleeing and leaving him to die.
His wives were ready to leave him over the news and ran to where Jabal and Jubal were dwelling with Adam. Adam encouraged them to listen to what the man had to say and stay with him if perhaps their presence alone would be enough to save his soul.
Lamech told them how it was truly an accident; he did not intend either death. He encouraged them that if Cain was able to live to seven generations surely he would be protected seven-fold more for his crime for it was but an accident!
Things were bad; very bad, but the real trouble had not even yet begun.

Chapter 4
For Tubal-Cain was not dead; he could not die for he was the one who had guided the hand of Lamech; he had slain Cain; he was the seventh generation destined to live sevenfold more.